9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Q&A with George Kliavkoff, Chief Digital Officer, NBC Universal
Come hear an in-depth Q&A conversation between Dan Rayburn and George Kliavkoff discussing NBC Universal’s multiplatform online video strategy.
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
COFFEE BREAK - Visit the Exhibits
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
A101: Effective Advertising Models for Short-Form Video Marketing
Some advertisers see user-generated video sites as a free way to distribute their message, but this has rapidly evolved into a significant paid business, where sites charge based on video placement and search keywords. Learn the relative ROI of going to a major site (i.e., YouTube) vs. a smaller site (i.e., Metacafe) vs. a plethora of tiny sites. Learn what methods are successful for getting viewers and the importance of content vs. placement. This panel will discuss and show video examples of effective business models for both advertisers and publishers.
Moderator: Jeff Marcus, President, Sparkway Speaker: Tom Buffolano, VP, GM, Subscription Services, CSTV Networks Speaker: Christian Spinillo, Product Development Strategist, Pointroll Speaker: Allyson Campa, VP of Marketing, Metacafe
B101: Best Practices in Enterprise Streaming for Communications and Learning
Use of online video in the enterprise has evolved well beyond the special occasion, rudimentary talking-head videos that characterized early adoption. Whether webcasting executive briefings across the globe or capturing and archiving rich media presentations for training, marketing, sales, and compliance, a growing number of organizations are capitalizing on the capabilities of Web 2.0 technologies. This session will show examples from Fortune 500 organizations of best practices in integrated online video for communications and learning.
Moderator: Michael Newman, VP/GM, Video Content Management, Polycom Speaker: Sunil Verma, DVP, Macy's Home Store Speaker: Joan Dollard-Spooner, Associate Director, Webcasts, Podcasts, EY Speaker: Scott Szczurek, Senior Digital Content and Media Engineer, CME Group Speaker: Rose Kazan, Director of Global Multimedia Services, Lehman Brothers
C101: The H.264 Convergence
Over the past year, more and more streaming media players are utilizing H.264 and providing support for the technology. Adobe's recent support for H.264 in its Flash player has sparked industry discussions among major broadcasters and online video producers about the role H.264 will play. This session wil explain why H.264 is getting so much exposure, what recent announcements have put it into the spotlight, and whether it can really be the one codec that the entire industry can converge on. Attendees will also see real-world examples of sites and services that are utilizing H.264 today.
Moderator: Eric Manchester, Solutions Architect, Ooyala Speaker: Matt Smith, Executive Director, Business Development & Strategy, Comcast Technology Solutions Speaker: Tim Napoleon, Chief Strategist, AllDigital Speaker: Kevin Towes, Sr. Product Manager, Adobe Speaker: John Edwards, CEO, Move Networks
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
A102: Monetizing and Aggregating Niche Video Content
This panel will discuss the new ways content owners and site developers are aggregating content and distributing it on Web 2.0. See examples of ways to develop niche vertical sites without having to hire tons of new personnel and discuss how to reach audiences on social networking sites like Facebook and others. Learn about some of the new emerging platforms for niche video distribution and learn best practices for increasing your chances of making money with your content.
B102: CDN Pricing: The Going Rate for Video Delivery
With more CDN players in the market than ever before, trying to figure out what you should pay for delivering video can still be quite complex. This presentation will offer real pricing numbers from large, globally focused content delivery networks and show you the average going rate when you outsource delivery to a third party. The session will also cover some of the variables that determine the final price and how you should accurately compare the delivery services of one CDN to another, and it will give you a list of providers in the market today.
Speaker: Dan Rayburn, Streaming Media Magazine's European Edition
C102: Focus Group: Young People's Attitudes Toward Online Video
In this special session, a panel of high school and college students will discuss their online video consumption habits. Learn what types of online video content they like, what sites they get their content from, the devices they are playing it back on, and how they interact with video advertising. Find out what their perspective is on pay media and portable content, as well as what they think the future holds for the next generation of viewers on the web. Bring your own questions for a lively Q&A session with the students at the end of the session.
Moderator: Peter Cervieri, Director, Scribe Media Speaker: Dylan, Creator, Co-Producer, DylansCouch.com
12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
LUNCH BREAK - Visit the Exhibits
1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A103: Creating and Promoting Amateur and Viral Videos
The session explores what makes a video viral and how marketers and amateurs can promote their video using online video sites and blogs. Proven industry experts reveal what works and what doesn't — often counterintuitive advice that has helped them garner millions of viewers for one-hit wonders and serialized content. Come see firsthand examples from some of the best viral videos creators on the web and learn how they have created an online audience.
B103: Will P2P Become a Legitimate Means of Delivering Video?
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technology has become one of the hottest topics lately in the online video industry. Controversy now surrounds the role P2P will play especially in high-quality video delivery on the Net. Does P2P have a legitimate shot at becoming a mass-market distribution model or will networks block the traffic before it has the chance? If P2P really is cheaper and better, then why haven't content providers adopted it en masse? What's missing from P2P business models? Can P2P truly support live delivery, Flash-based videos, VOD security, broadcast audience scalability? These and many other questions will be addressed in this interactive session.
Moderator: Marty Lafferty, CEO, DCIA Speaker: Robert Levitan, CEO, Pando Networks Speaker: Patty Perkins, Manager, Desktop Video, Wells Fargo Video Network Speaker: Doug Pasko, Director, Online Media Technology, Verizon Communications Speaker: Barry Tishgart, Vice President, GM, Comcast Wholesale
C103: Entertainment Devices: How TiVo, Xbox, and iPods Are Changing the Content Landscape
Today, with the influx of new entertainment devices, consumers no longer rely on just the PC for their online video consumption. Between their iPhones and iPods, their Xboxes and TiVos, consumers now have many ways to get their video fix. So what are the new business models that will be created from these new devices? What current hurdles need to be overcome so that content can be monetized for multiple platforms? Explore with this panel the role of current consumer entertainment devices in this new convergent world and how these devices will play together to offer a superior video experience.
Moderator: Jose Castillo, President, Flavor, Inc. Speaker: Bruno Lucarelli, Director, Ad Sales Eastern U.S, Cardomain.com Speaker: Andre Mika, VP, Broadband and New Media, NHL Speaker: Paul Gelb, National Manager, Emerging Media, Razorfish
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
A104: How Old Media Is Embracing Online Video and New Media
Led by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, this session will discuss how converging media technologies are redefining traditional distribution methods, how interactive and on-demand services are changing, and how entertainment and news videos are being consumed. Come hear from some of the leading publishers, broadcasters, and advertisers about the impact that video and new media is having upon their business models.
Moderator: Peter Price, President and CEO, NATAS Speaker: Jordan Hoffner, Director of Content Partnerships, YouTube Speaker: Isaac Josephson, VP, Product Development, ABC Digital Speaker: Vivian Schiller, SVP, GM, NYTimes.com Speaker: Richard Glosser, President, Hilltop Digital
B104: Codec Comparison: VP6, H.264, and Windows Media
Choosing the right codec involves lots of factors, including quality, player install base, costs, and server-related features. This session will compare the video quality of the big three codecs: VP6, H.264, and Windows Media. It will also include a comparison of the primary H.264 codecs including Apple, Sorenson, Main Concept, and Dicas. The session will present attendees with the latest published penetration figures for the H.264-compatible Flash 9 player and Microsoft's Silverlight player and provide usage statistics among major broadcasters and corporations. Attendees will also learn how to compare relevant server-and player-related features, as well as costs associated with adapting and using each platform.
Speaker: Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
C104: Live Broadcasting Over Mobile and Wi-Fi Networks
While big media tests the waters of mobile broadcasting, many web video producers are already out there doing it live from the street with a cell phone. Others are joining in and experimenting with two-way broadcasts via streaming video over cell phone networks and via Wi-Fi, wherever they are. Viewers can chat while the broadcast is going on and affect and sometimes even direct the content being produced. Come to this session to hear Steve Garfield talk with other pioneers in the live broadcasting space about their experiences on the forefront of this new technology for sharing their stories over the web.
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
COFFEE BREAK - Visit the Exhibits
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A105: Adobe Media Player: Creating, Delivering, and Monetizing Branded Video
This session will show how Adobe Media Players enables consumers to take control of when and where they watch their favorite shows and other video content broadcast over the internet. Learn how the Adobe Media Player allows content owners to monetize and protect their video content and include branding and advertising around content including overlays and sponsorship. This session will also look at how to effectively measure viewership engage ment whether a consumer is viewing the content online or offline and show how to target consumers with relevant advertising.
Speaker: Deeje Cooley, Product Manager, Adobe Media Player, Adobe
B105: Mergers and Acquisitions: Wall Street's View
The number of companies in the online video industry is growing at a rapid pace, and capital markets play a significant role in shaping the industry. Acquisitions, partnerships, funding, and failures are all making headlines at an increasing rate. At times it is difficult to understand why these events occur, what drives them, who is involved, and how they affect the rest of the industry. This panel of venture capitalists, equity research analysts, and others will discuss their views on the state of the markets, what gets them excited, what concerns them, and how it could impact the way you do business.
Moderator: Brian Essex, Analyst Speaker: Kevin Ryan, Co-founder, Chairman, Panther Express Speaker: Neil Sequeira, Partner, General Catalyst Partners Speaker: Colby Synesael, SVP, Equity Research, Kaufman Bros. Speaker: Ray Conley, CFA, Palo Alto Investors
C105: User-Generated Video in Education
The online video revolution has been embraced by students, teachers, instructors, and researchers, many of whom are producing video for class assignments, teaching purposes, and other uses. Learn what kind of content is being produced, where it is being posted, and how user-generated content fits into the overall strategy of educational institutions. This panel of experienced educational media professionals will discuss the many ways your school, college, or university can maximize the value of your user-generated video and how you can assist faculty and students in making it better.
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.